Some thoughts about your impact

Did you ever stopped yourself to review how you behave and how that affects the rest of your life?

I firmly believe that the smallest actions can have the biggest impact.

I’ll take my choice to use clothes diapers when Leonard was just a little baby. Buying those little diapers gave me SO MUCH joy and putting them on him and seeing him with them. Ah, that was the light in the darkness. I bought wool clothes from a small business, a mom was making them in her garage. I bought like 10 paire of pants from her. Those pants- Some of them he still wear them 4 years laters, and the one he doesn’t wear no more I send them to my cousin for her 3 littles ones to wear.

That choice I made now 5 years ago, still have impacts today. My cousin can enjoy with her babies the clothes I bought because of how good the quality is, I did less waste with my baby and never had rash issues. I now know how to wash something so its disinfected, without stains and my whites stays fucking white.

Some choice we do have impact in the long term, and some have impact right away. The consequences are not always positive or negative- they can be neutral. They also can easily go without us even see them.

Please share with me what choice did you make that had an impact you can talk about.

in comments, in DM on social media, or if you are on my email list- write to me! I can’t wait to read your stories!

With Love – Danika!

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