Happiness for 2024

I posted this last year😂. — It’s January 1 2024 right now. I made the decision to share more, and use my voice more.

Based on that decision, let me give you more content about my statement.

post from threads

I stand by this. Happiness is a choice. The concept of happiness is intertwine with mindfulness. It’s is impossible to embrace happiness without having a mindfulness practice.

Mindfulness came forward in the previous year. We hear it every where, with a tons of technique— Often time confusing and difficult to achieve in an environment that has less privileges.

Mindfulness doesn’t have to be difficult, and time confusing.

Mindfulness is an habit, that we can create and implement in our daily lives.

Mindfulness is the key to have Self-Awareness.

Mindfulness Practices Made Easy

Let me give you some exercices that you can do to bring more self-awareness, therefore more happiness in your life.

1: When you wake up in the morning, take 3 big breathe. Do this before doing anything else, before jumping out of bed, even before touching your phone.

Breathing is bring in life inside of us. By taking 5-10 second to consciously breathing, you are aware of your body. Maybe you’ll see a ray of sunshine through the window and that will make you smile. —This is Happiness.

2: When you drink your coffee, focus your attention on the coffee you are drinking. Is it a good coffee? Did you made it just right like you like it, or did you drop too many sugar/milk? Does the torrĂŠfaction of the coffee taste good?

Tasting is one way we experience life, our mouth is powerful, and eating is more pleasurable when you take the time to actually taste the food you’re eating.

3: How does the fabric of your clothes fit-feel on your skin?

The 5 senses are how we experience life around us. I will not repeat myself, you understand how that work. When breathing, you can even try so smell the air and see how it smells like. –This is YOUR practices, do what feel GOOD TO YOU.

I can already hear some say, but Danika… This sounds so simple, are you sure it will work?

Let me tell you right now, yea this sounds simple. But do it everyday for a week and you’ll see that this isn’t that simple.

This is new for you, and acting on purpose everyday, when your brain has the habit of behaving on “autopilot” is hard. Fuck that people that are trying to make you believe that changing habit is easy. I hate that, because change is something your brain fear. To change habit, you have to also make your nervous system feel safe, and that isn’t an easy task. Not All the time.

I’ll close the article on this, let me know your thought in comments. I share Journaling & Mindfulness tips on my Newsletter, so you can subscribe there if you want. Par contre, if you want to be more closer to me, you can subscribe to my “Buy me a coffee”.

I wish you an amazing new year, I love you💜✨.

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